A Travellerspoint blog

440 Miles Cycling the Natchez Trace

Time for another ride

Here we go again! 6 riders, 1 van, 3 couples, and 440 miles of riding to accomplish in 8 days. I am excited to be one of the riders this trip. Although I plan to only ride 1/2 of each day and drive the SAG vehicle the other half. The rest of the riders will split the SAG driving when it is my turn to ride. We are leaving Grafton, OH early on Friday morning, Sept. 30th and plan to drive much of the day. Traveling south towards Mississippi, we plan to munch on pepperoni rolls, party snack and trail mix....among other things.

So, who are the riders? The faces and names are familiar as most of these were on the pony ride of 2013. Dan and his wife Evelyn are with us again. Evelyn will be riding this trip as well. Colleen and her husband Greg are also joining us. We are so glad that the Roobs are retired and that Greg and Colleen could both take vacation during the Fall. We hope to see some of the seasonal leaves in full color, although we may be a week early. We decided to drive to Natchez and ride North on the trail to Nashville. Supposedly the winds are more from the South during this month. Not sure the forecast for the first two days agrees with this tendency. We do have very little rain in the forecast so far and favorable temperatures. We will see how accurate Weather.com is!

Wynn and I are just coming off a wonderful vacation in NYC. Guess I should have blogged that trip too. Suffice it to say, that we had a fun-filled week of sightseeing and watching tennis at the US Open. It was a first for us and we took a zillion pictures and did a lot of walking. Highlights included cycling over the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges and also around and through Central Park. We are looking forward to this new adventure.

So come along with us and see the sights along the way and hear about our ride as we go along.
In anticipation,
Brenda and the rest of the ponies





Posted by brendagerber07 20:47

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Following the ponies and adventure once again! Be safe and enjoy the views.

by Margi

Have an enjoyable and safe ride. I love reading your blogs.

by Bobbie

Looking forward to following your adventures and seeing you!

by Janis

Looking forward to your postings. Pony on!

by Steve

Hooray! Post some beautiful fall pics! Love to you both.

by Rent-a-daughter Constance

Keep the rubber side down...

by Airgas Mike

Safe travels, can't wait to read about your adventures again!

by Denise

I'll be checking in on you guys daily. Have fun and stay safe.

Kathy Miller

by Kathy Miller

Enjoy reading your blogs and traveling along with you. Have a safe trip.

by Barb Hartley

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