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Goodbye Maine, Hello New Hampshire

Cadillac Mountain was magnificent!

sunny 68 °F
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A most magnificent morning: Blue skies, warm temps and gorgeous mountain top views. We are sporting our Kennedy Sportcycle tees this morning and actually didn't have to cover them with a warm sweatshirt once the morning warmed up a bit. We said goodbye to The White Birches hotel and got an early start up the mountain. This is the view outside my door.


We stopped inside. The park at the first pullout to see the overview of Frenchman's Bay. The sun was sparkling on the water and it was lovely!


Then we kept our ticket time to drive up Cadillac Mtn. It was not the crazy hairpin turns like the mountains out West, but the Wow factor was right on the level. These pics certainly don,t show the beautiful colors or the depth of the trees on the mountain side. The sunshine was perfect and we were able to shed our sweaters pretty quickly. We walked around the trail on top and got some pics. We even found a friendly squirrel to photograph.


coming down the mountain we hit all the pull offs and caught some pretty views too. I should add at this point how many interesting people we have met along the way. We talked to a couple from Iowa this morning (Mel, they were Iowa State fans) we have met so many from Ohio. Met a guy from Ct who was trying to fly his drone inside the Nat'l Park which is a big no-no! We did have to wear masks inside the buildings at the Park but not many other places we have visited have required them 😷.


And so ends the Acadia National Park adventure on this trip. It is time to head from here to there. I hope you enjoyed the little part of Maine that we got to enjoy together. We had to stop at this little gift shop after seeing it several times on our way in and out of the Park…Wynn was hankering for some blueberry jam, which we got and I got my Bar Harbor sweatshirt. We also did get an Acadia ornament at the Park and a calendar for 2022 of the Maine Lighthouses. The famous Maine blueberries were delicious. We split a piece of blueberry pie for dinner last night! Yummy!

So now we are driving 4 hours or so to North Conway, NH. This is another new state for me to visit. This vacation has been at a leisurely pace and Wynn has remarked several times of how relaxing it is to get up and do a few things at our own rate without deadlines and rushing to and fro. We have seen so much and yet it does not feel rushed. We saw a lot of lighthouses and now are looking for some beautiful views of fall foliage, waterfalls and hiking paths. . I will write more after we reach our destination. I will need to drive some today…hope I haven't forgotten how. Wynn has been the willing driver as we go on our daily adventures and has been patient as I yell, “Slow down, so I can get that shot.” or “can we go back, I missed that one.”

The ride into New Hampshire was just beautiful. We only drove a small distance on route 95 and the rest was all back roads and curving highways. I took a few pics along the way just because that’s what I do. Wynn captured the entering New Hampshire sign and I took a picture of our hotel for the night -actually the Colonial Motel. The Peacock clock in our room is for Makara. This is a hotel that is used for skiers in the winter, being so close to the White Mountains. So we are settled in. Wynn went up to the Muddy Moose Restaurant and Pub. He called to see whether they took reservations and they said no. There’s already a 45 minute wait so being Wynn, he walked up to wait and I will drive up and meet him when it’s close to our turn. What a guy! Have a great start to your day. Happy Columbus Day. And you will find us watching NCIS tonight before turning in. Bonus points if you can find the picture with the wild turkeys. We took that for you, Jenna.


Posted by brendagerber07 21:11 Archived in USA

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